Wednesday, 27 April 2016

Walking the dog around Kerrouet

Scoobeaudoo needs at least two good walks a day. Actually he prefers to run and that is another story! It's a busy morning at the school as we have six very enthusiastic Norwegian students attending our cooking course. Norway is too cold for harvesting nettles so they have requested a foraging tour here as nettle soup is on the menu for lunch followed by white asparagus with sauce hollandaise. 

Pot of nettles

The final product 

The locals harvest everything and so it is a common sight to see sheaves of old Fuchsia drying out in the hedgerows. This will be used to get the fires started with the lovely perfumed smell of fuchsia.


It's a lovely time of the year with all the flowers bursting out. Here a a few photos but now I have to return to the kitchen!

The students also cooked a Parmesan soufflé 

Which wend down very well with a few glasses of rosé. Dinner this evening was a nice combination with Langoustins for starters 

And rabbit in a mustard sauce with fennel green beans and new potatoes 

And following the cheese board we finished with home made poppy seed ice cream with caramelised strawberries!!