Wednesday 11 May 2011

Strawberries and Red Wine

This is a simple and delicious summer dessert which never fails to impress the guests. All you need are:

1 lb fresh strawberries (2 pt)
1 litre red wine

I table spoon wild honey
1 tablespoon maple syrup
1 dl of fresh orange juice
1 cup sugar
1 ts fresh lemon juice
Twist of ground black pepper
Sprig of mint for decoration


Wash the strawberries,cut in half and place in a large glass bowl. Add the wine and all other ingredients. Gently mix together. Cover and place in the fridge for around 90 minutes. Serve the strawberries with the juice in small bowls adding leaf of mint for decoration if desired. The remaining juice may be served as a cocktail or retained for future use eg as a granité.

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