Kerrouet House may be 400 years old but we are always ready to try out new ideas in our kitchen! So when the opportunity arose to be the first chefs in the world to try out the nano anti microbe jacket in the kitchen we thought why not! That was yesterday during a cooking course with students from the UK and Australia present. I first decided to spill red wine on it; then coffee; then some chocolate sauce on the external surface of the jacket but the unique properties of the nano particles within the fabric reacted by refusing to let the ingredients stick. They simply ran off the fabric which was amazing to see causing a mess on my nice clean tiled floor (which is not yet treated with nano fluid)!
The jacket does allow breathing from within however so chefs stay nice and cool while they work. However the amazing property of this jacket is that it kills all microbes and bacteria on impact at the nano level. So it never needs to be washed! I still have difficulty with this however as it seems to go against the grain at the personal hygiene level but I will leave the scientists to argue that one with you. My chef likes the qualities and properties of the jacket but refused to wear it saying it was not sexy enough. I think he has a point there but one day in the near future all chefs will wear a nano fabric jacket in their kitchen and we will have a blue plaque outside our 16th century house confirming we were the first kitchen in the world to do so! Imagine Heston not thinking of that! Now back to my Béarnaise sauce.
Further info on nano products may be found at and
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