Monday, 21 January 2019

Bring your bicycle!

Brittany is one of the top places on earth to cycle! We say this for many reasons but the most important one is safety. Drivers here give great respect to cyclists on the road. They will wait until it is safe to overtake and then only do so with a wide birth. However if you prefer to cycle off road there are over 2000 km of well maintained dedicated cycle routes which run throughout Brittany.

Cycling is safe because many drivers also cycle. The roads and cycle paths are well marked and well maintained. The topography of the regions works well for cyclists with many undulating hills and rustic valleys but nothing to compound the average cyclist. The Tour de France is the most televised sport in the world. Every small town and village has its cycling club and everyone is involved from eight to eighty! The Kerrouet Cycle Club started in 1933 and the traditional Sunday cycle is still popular! The local topography of rolling hills and good quality surfaced small roads is another reason to cycle. What I particularly enjoy on the morning cycle is the numerous opportunities in tiny medieval towns and villages to treat yourself to a coffee and croissant. 

This morning we cycled from Kerrouet to the 12th century Cistercian abbey of Notre-Dame de Boquen less than an hour away. It's a lovely route taking you along ancient archaeological ruins (Allée Couvverte de lLa Hautiére/ Dolmen Tomb), ancient villages and beautiful countryside. 

 The famous French theologian and philosopher Bernard Besret was Prior of the Abbey from 1964 and was also involved in restoring the abbey to it's former glory. It is now in the hands of the French Catholic community of Chemin Neuf who will be delighted for you to visit and do some voluntary work for them. Here is a link: abbaye-de-boquen They also have Sunday lunches and a bookshop and craft shop. 

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