Saturday 21 September 2024

Pickled Green Tomatoes

Lots of  folk have a deluge of green tomatoes this time of year. One way to use them up is to pickle them. This is a classic Danish recipe which is always a winner! 

1 kg. Green tomatoes, washed.
5oo ml clear vinegar
300 ml water
600 gram white sugar
1 vanilla pod

Cut the big tomatoes in half or quarters and pinch a hole in the small ones with a fork.
Put the tomatoes in a preserve glass which has been sterilised.
Flake the vanilla and put it in a pot with the water, sugar and vanilla, and boil it up.
Pour the hot liquid over the tomatoes.
Put the lid on the glasses and let it rest for a week in a cool place before tasting them. 

They will last all winter unopened but once opened keep refrigerated. Delicious with cold meats and sandwiches.

Wednesday 18 September 2024


Kerrouet House

This is a lovely healthy warming dish from Provence. Makes a pot for up to 4-6 servings.


1  aubergine cut in 12 mm slices 

1 courgette cut in small dices

1 yellow, red and green peppers in small dices

250 gram onion chopped

500 gram tomatoes without skin and seeds

3 cloves of garlic

Olive oil


2 tablespoon chopped parsley




1 Sprinkle the aubergine slices with salt and leave them for 30 minutes, dry them

   from water and cut them in smaller pieces, and fry them in olive oil, when they

   golden, take them out of the oil and let them dry of on a sheet of kitchen role

2 Add a bit more oil and fry the courgettes, when they are roasted, take them out

  of the pan and let them dry as well.

3 Do the same thing with first the peppers, and then later with the onions, onions  should just be glazed not brown.

4 Add the tomato, garlic, sugar, parsley and thyme and let it simmer for 5 minutes            

  add the aubergine and courgette and let it simmer for another 5 minutes.

  Add the basil and let it rest in the fridge for next day.

Next day just heat up what you need and serve.

Tuesday 10 September 2024

Kerrouet Passion Cocktail

We recently visited the Shard in London and enjoyed one of their cocktails “Bubble High Tea”. It was the inspiration behind my latest cocktail which is simply called Kerrouet Passion. 


1 shot (50ml) of gin.
1 shot (50ml) of Cointreau.
1 shot (50ml) of passion sirop
1 shot (50ml) of lemon cello
1 shot ( 50ml) of peach syrup or grapefruit syrup.
50ml of freshly squeezed lemon/lime juice.
500ml sparkling water
1 large tablespoon of popping boba passion bubbles. 
1 orange slice.
1 tablespoon of crushed ice.


Using a large Bourgogne glass, add all the above ingredients. Mix well and serve immediately with a straw. 

Sunday 23 June 2024

Sage Tempura

There is nothing like a crispy sage tempura which makes a delightful accompaniment to aperitifs or just a simple snack. 
Easy to make especially if you have an oversized sage plant by your front door! 


15 sage leaves ( washed and gently dried)
100g tempura flour ( wheat/corn flour)
150ml cold sparkling water 
Salt/pepper to taste
500ml of vegetable oil


Wash and dry the leaves. 

In a pan heat the oil in a deep pan to 180 degrees.

Add the sparkling water slowly to the flour and gently whisk until you have a creamy consistency. Add seasoning to taste.

Have a plate with a paper towel ready to absorb the cooked tempura.

Once the oil has reached the right temperature, dip each sage leaf into the hot oil. One minute each side until golden then turn using tweezers. When both sides are crispy remove from the oil and place on the kitchen towel to absorb excess oil. Serve warm. 

Friday 14 June 2024

Roast Pork Filet

serves 2-4


1.5 kg- 3.3 Lb of pork filet

Marinade ;

1/4 cup of olive oil

Salt and pepper

Spices, which can be herbs de Provence, rosemary, smoked paprika, ect.


Clean the filet of the silver skins as they are tough; put the cleaned filet in the marinade and put it in the fridge for a couple of hours, - can be done in the morning and ready for the evening.

barbecue :

Preferably a charcoal one as it gives the meat the smoky flavour. Make sure that there are no direct flames.

Put the marinated filet on the grill and slowly roast it for 10 minutes, turn it around so it has a nice brown colour and then let it rest for 5 - 10 minutes. The filet should be medium well cooked and slightly pink inside. 

Thursday 13 June 2024

Making Crème Fraîche

We use a lot of Crème Fraiche in our recipes ( often mixing it with cream to make a thinner sauce!). It is expensive to buy in the USA and France so it can be worthwhile simply to make your own. It’s a very simple process but you will need to start the process the day before you need it!!

1and a half cups fresh cream
Half cup of buttermilk 


In a large glass jar with a lid, add the cream and buttermilk together. Mix thoroughly. Leave in room temperature overnight or at least 12 hours. It will thicken overnight and now you have crème fraîche. Keep in the fridge. 

If you can’t get buttermilk you can substitute fresh yogurt but it will be thinner than when you use buttermilk. 

Thursday 15 February 2024

Brussel Sprout salad

Salad of Brussel sprout and apple or raspberries. 
A great salad served with a slice of foie gras, Parma ham or smoked slices of duck breast. or salmon fish cakes or frikadelle
for 6 people
250 gram / pound of Brussels sprout 1 big tart apple ( Granny Smith)
1 medium finely chopped onion
optional : walnuts and kale can be added
Clean the Brussels sprouts and either finely chop them with a knife, mandolin or a food processor. chop the apple very fine as well into matchsticks, mix it in a large bowl with the red onion.
2 tablespoon of red wine vinegar 1 tablespoon of dijon mustard
1 small spoon of honey
1 clove of garlic , finely chopped 100ml 1/2 cup olive oil
salt and pepper olive oil
Add vinegar, honey, mustard, salt & pepper together , and then add slowly the olive oil so the dressing emulsify
Pour the dressing over the salad and mix it well, refrigerate for 30 minutes before serving.