Saturday 1 October 2011

Carbon Footprint

Every organisation and indeed every home dweller should be thinking of how they can reduce their carbon footprint and French Dining School is no exception. This is now so important if we are to save our world from the horror of global warming.

It will be the millions of small consumers and producers who will make the difference to whether our world will be a safe place for future generations.
We are just passing through but as we pass we each have a responsibility to ensure we try to make this beautiful precious world of ours a better place for our childrens' children to live in.

What practical things can we do?

*Buy your food products locally.
*Grow as much as you can in your own garden.
*Share projects with neighbours and work co-operatively
*Recycle water
*Recycle your organic rubbish
*Reduce consumption on petrol (save on mileage by getting a nano smart fluid -Nanoland Global)
*Share transport with neighbours and plan journeys to economise on fuel
*Recycle your recipes and cookbooks
*Buy only what you need and endeavour to use all foodstuffs with a variety of dishes on the menu.
*Optimise your oven use by baking double portions.

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